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Everything you need to know about Sustainable Fashion Materials: Guide for Informed Consumers

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Eco-friendly fashion has become a major trend in the fashion industry. More and more consumers are turning to sustainable, environmentally friendly and quality clothing. But what materials are actually used in sustainable fashion? How to identify them when shopping? This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the answers.

The Benefits of Sustainable Fashion Materials

Sustainable fashion materials offer many advantages over traditional materials. They are often made from renewable, organic or recycled raw materials. These materials reduce the environmental impact of the textile industry by limiting the consumption of water and energy and avoiding the use of harmful chemicals.

Organic Cotton

Organic cotton is grown without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. It is therefore better for the health of farmers, for biodiversity and for the environment. Organic cotton is also softer and hypoallergenic, making it an ideal choice for people with allergies or sensitive skin. By choosing organic cotton clothing, you support more environmentally friendly production and protect your health.


Linen is a natural fiber from the flax plant. Its cultivation requires less water and pesticides than cotton. Linen is renowned for its strength and durability. Linen clothing is lightweight, breathable and comfortable, making it a great choice for warm climates. Additionally, linen has natural antibacterial properties, giving it hypoallergenic properties. Opting for linen clothing means choosing sustainable and environmentally friendly products.


Hemp is a plant that grows quickly and without the need for pesticides. It is robust and resistant to wear, making it an ideal material for durable clothing. Hemp is also biodegradable, meaning it breaks down naturally without causing pollution. Hemp clothing is lightweight, breathable and moisture-regulating, providing great comfort. By opting for hemp clothing, you help reduce the ecological footprint of the textile industry and promote more responsible fashion.


Tencel is an ecological fiber obtained from eucalyptus wood pulp. Its manufacturing process uses non-toxic and environmentally friendly solvents. Tencel is soft, silky and pleasant to wear. It has excellent moisture absorption capacity, making it ideal for sportswear and underwear. Additionally, Tencel is biodegradable and breaks down naturally. By choosing Tencel clothing, you promote sustainable textile production and contribute to the preservation of natural resources.

How to Identify Sustainable Fashion Materials

When shopping, it's important to know how to identify sustainable fashion materials. Here are a few tips :

  1. Look for certifications: Many sustainable materials are certified, such as the GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) label for organic cotton or the OEKO-TEX label for textiles free of harmful substances.
  2. Read the labels: Brands that use sustainable materials often highlight this information on their labels. Look for terms like 'organic', 'recycled' or 'made from sustainable raw materials'.
  3. Educate yourself on brands: Find out about brands that specialize in sustainable fashion. Some fashion boutiques in Brussels, such as Maison bon boug, offer a selection of sustainable and quality clothing. Do not hesitate to ask for additional information on the materials used.
  4. Use apps: There are apps that help you identify eco-friendly brands and sustainable materials. They provide you with detailed information on brands, certifications and materials used.


As an informed consumer, it is essential to understand the materials used in sustainable fashion. Sustainable materials offer many benefits for the environment, health and clothing durability. By favoring materials such as organic cotton, linen, hemp and Tencel, you are helping to reduce the negative impact of the textile industry on the planet. When shopping, look for certifications, read labels, find out about eco-friendly brands and use dedicated apps. Make informed choices to support a more sustainable fashion industry that respects our planet.