La mode durable, c'est quoi ?

What is sustainable fashion?

Sustainable fashion is a movement that aims to reduce the environmental impact of fashion products. This is a more responsible and ethical approach to the production and consumption of clothing. Sustainable fashion focuses on the durability, quality and lifespan of products, as well as respecting the rights of workers and consumers.

What is sustainable fashion?

Sustainable fashion is a more responsible and ethical approach to the production and consumption of clothing. It focuses on sustainability, quality and lifespan of products, as well as respect for the rights of workers and consumers. Sustainable fashion aims to reduce the environmental impact of fashion products by using sustainable materials, reducing waste and limiting the use of harmful chemicals. It also aims to improve the working conditions of workers and promote fair business practices.

What are the advantages ?

The benefits of sustainable fashion are numerous. First of all, it helps reduce the environmental impact of fashion products by limiting the use of harmful chemicals and reducing waste. It also helps promote fair business practices and support workers. Finally, it makes it possible to create quality products that last longer and are more durable.

How to recognize it?

There are several ways to recognize sustainable fashion products. First, you can look for products that are made from sustainable materials, such as organic cotton, hemp, linen, and bamboo. You can also look for products that are made from recycled or recyclable materials. Finally, you can look for products that are made in factories that respect workers' rights and are certified by certification bodies such as Fair Trade.


Sustainable fashion is a movement that aims to reduce the environmental impact of fashion products. It focuses on sustainability, quality and lifespan of products, as well as respect for the rights of workers and consumers. The benefits of sustainable fashion are numerous and include reducing the use of harmful chemicals, promoting fair business practices and supporting workers. To recognize sustainable fashion products, you can look for products that are made from sustainable, recycled or recyclable materials, and that are made in factories that respect workers' rights and are certified by certification bodies such as Fair Trade.