Comment choisir des vêtements durables ?

How to choose sustainable clothing?

Do you want to adopt more sustainable fashion? Here are some tips for choosing clothing that respects the environment and people.

Choose natural materials

Natural materials are more durable and environmentally friendly than synthetic materials. Natural materials are more breathable and more durable, meaning they can last longer. Natural materials include cotton, linen, wool, hemp and leather. These materials are more durable and environmentally friendly than synthetic materials, such as polyester, nylon and spandex.

Choose quality clothing

Quality clothing is more durable and environmentally friendly than cheap clothing. Quality clothing is generally made from natural materials and is designed to last longer. Cheap clothing is usually made from synthetic materials and is designed to be thrown away after a short period of use.

Choose locally made clothing

Locally made clothing is more durable and environmentally friendly than clothing made overseas. Locally made clothing is generally made from natural materials and is designed to last longer. Foreign-made clothing is typically made from synthetic materials and is designed to be thrown away after a short period of use.

Choose ethical clothing

Ethical clothing is more sustainable and environmentally friendly than unethical clothing. Ethical clothing is generally made from natural materials and is designed to last longer. Unethical clothing is usually made from synthetic materials and is designed to be thrown away after a short period of use. In addition, ethical clothing is generally manufactured under fair working conditions that respect workers' rights.

Choose vintage clothes

Vintage clothing is more durable and environmentally friendly than new clothing. Vintage clothing is generally made from natural materials and is designed to last longer. New clothing is usually made from synthetic materials and is designed to be thrown away after a short period of use. Additionally, vintage clothing is generally less expensive than new clothing.

Choose sustainable clothing

Sustainable clothing is more durable and environmentally friendly than disposable clothing. Sustainable clothing is generally made from natural materials and is designed to last longer. Disposable clothing is typically made from synthetic materials and is designed to be thrown away after a short period of use. Additionally, sustainable clothing is generally more expensive than disposable clothing, but it is more durable and environmentally friendly.


By choosing sustainable clothing, you can help protect the environment and promote workers' rights. Sustainable clothing is generally made from natural materials and is designed to last longer. Additionally, sustainable clothing is generally more expensive than disposable clothing, but it is more durable and environmentally friendly. By choosing sustainable clothing, you can help protect the environment and promote workers' rights.